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From Experts for Experts.

Next Workshop 


"Cystectomy and Urinary Diversion"

13. - 15. September 2024 


Anatomical Institute

University of Witten/Herdecke


Part 1: Lecture Day - max. 30 participants

350 Euro - incl. VAT

Part 2: OP-Workshop - 10 participants

2.500 Euro - incl. VAT

Course directors:

Prof. Dr. med. Hassan Abol-Enein

Dr. Omar Maghaireh


Prof. Dr. Hassan Abol-Enein (course director)

Prof. Dr. Richard Hautmann 

Prof. Dr. Igor Tsaur

Dr. Omar Maghaireh (course director)

Dr. Andriy Shaleva 

Dr. Nasreldin Mohammed

Prof. Dr. Georg Feigl 


Part 1: Lecture Day - 13th September 2024 

Lectures & Video Sessions for max. 30 participants. 

Part 2: OP-Workshop - Sa 14. - So 15. September, 2024



Part 1: Lecture Day - max. 30 participants

350 Euro - incl. VAT

Part 2: OP-Workshop - 10 participants

2.500 Euro - incl. VAT

Application deadline: 15. August 2024.

Separate application für Part 1 and Part 2 is possible.

For application:

Please refer to the selection criteria on the right. 

The workshop will be held in english. International participants are welcome!

Dear Urologist colleagues,

After the remarkable success of the first Cystectomy Masterclass last year, we are pleased to announce the second Cystectomy and Urinary Diversion Masterclass with hands-on training on human corpses with an expert team in this field including Prof. Dr. Richard Hautmann and Prof. Dr. Hassan Abol-Enein. Both of these internationally renowned speakers played a major role in the development and evolution of urinary diversion surgery in the last few decades.

We are also thrilled with the participation of Prof. Tsaur this year, who is a well-known expert in this field.

During the first day of the masterclass they will share their extensive knowledge and expertise collected over many years and share some significant and valuable tips and tricks including some illustrative and demonstrative videos.

On the the 2nd and the 3rd days of the course, the participants will be able to apply and practice what they have learnt on the first day on human corpses under direct supervision of the two experts.

For such complex types of surgeries, one clearly needs intensive training and with this extensive course you should be ready to perform the cystectomy and urinary diversion confidently in your clinical practice.

We are looking forward to meeting you!











Dr. Omar Maghaireh

Course director



  • Prof. Dr. Hassan Abol-Enein - Course director

    • ​Professor of Urology
      President of Egyptian Urological Association (EUA) Chairman of Scientific Office of AAU
      Former director and chairman of Urology Department Urology and Nephrology Center
      Mansoura University, Egypt

  • Prof. Dr. Richard Hautmann 

    • Professor of Urology
      Former president of german society of urology (DGU) Former director
      and chairman of Urology Department University of Ulm, Germany

  • Dr. Omar Maghaireh - Course director

    • Senior Consultant​

    • Helios Hospital Bonn 

  • Dr. Andriy Shaleva

    • ​Director of Urology Department Helios Hospital Bonn, Germany

  • Prof. Dr. Georg Feigl

    • ​Professor of Clinical Anatomy

    • Institute for Anatomical and Clinical Morphology

    • University Witten/Herdecke 

  • Dr. Nasreldin Mohammed​​

    • Chief of Urology Department at Lausitzer Seenland Klinikum, Germany

  • Prof. Dr. Igor Tsaur​​

    • Director and Chairman of Urology Department

    • Tübingen University Hospital

Agenda - 2024

Part 1: Lecture Day - 13th September 2024 

Lectures & Video Sessions for max. 30 participants. 

Start - 9.00 am

  • Greetings and introduction - Dr. O. Maghaireh

  • NMIBC, when to perform Cystectomy? - Dr. O. Maghaireh

  • Best perioperative management to reduce postoperative complications 

  • Pearls, Perils and Pitfalls of Cystectomy: Lessons learned from more than 2000 Cystectomies - Prof. Dr. H. Abol-EneinProf. Dr. R. Hautmann

  • Evolution and Etymology in Orthotopic Neobladder - Prof. Dr. R. Hautmann

  • Surgical tricks in Ileal Conduit - Prof. Dr. H. Abol-Enein

  • Surgical tricks in Hautmann Neoblader - Prof. Dr. R. Hautmann

  • The role of lymphadenectomy for bladder cancer - Dr. Dr. N. Mohammed

  • Clinical anatomy and anatomical pitfalls of Cystectomy - Prof. Dr. G. Feigl

  • Challenging Cases of Urinary Diversion collected in over 40 years of experience - Prof. Dr. H. Abol-EneinProf. Dr. R. Hautmann

  • Crossfire debate: Open versus robotic Cystectomy - Prof. Dr. H. Abol-Enein, Prof. Dr. I. Tsaur


  • Radical Cystectomy: intraperitoneal approach Prof. Dr. H. Abol-Enein

  • Radical Cystectomy: extraperitoneal approach - Dr. O. Maghaireh

  • Hautmann Neobladder - Prof. Dr. R. Hautmann

  • Serous lined Principle in continent urinary diversion - Prof. Dr. H. Abol-Enein

Part 2: OP-Workshop - 14. - 15. September, 2024

10 participants allocated on 5 OP-stations with hands-On training on soft embalmed human donors (cadavers, Thiel embalming). Each participant will perform a radical Cystectomy, Ileal Conduit and Neobladder under direct supervision of the experts.


Come together & Dinner (only Part 2 participants) on 14th September 2024​​


For application please send  an email to with your full name, invoice address,  surgical status and your point of interest for the participation (Part 1 only or Part 1+2 as one). 


Within 3 days after you apply per email, you will receive a confirmation by email whether you have  been selected to participate in the masterclass and you will be guided through the payment process.

Application deadline: 15. August 2024.


Selection criteria:


1. Application is on a first-come, first-served basis.


2. To guarantee optimal learning, the theoretical part on the first day ( lectures and videos), can accommodate a maximum of 30 participants. The hands-on training on day 2 and 3  will only allow for a maximum of 10 participants.


3. As it’s an advanced Masterclass, priority will be given to specialists and consultants.


4. The number of representatives per country is a factor in the selection. To offer equal opportunity to participate in this masterclass, the number of representatives per country may be limited.

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